Profit Calculator
Calculation Result
*The calculator result is the budget value. Please refer to the actual order for the specific margin.
*The calculator result is the budget value. Please refer to the actual order for the specific margin.
When opening and closing multiple positions, it may not be possible to track the individual profit and loss of each order. Now you can do it easily with our profit calculator. Simply select the currency pair you trade, the number of days you want to hold the position, the lot size, whether to buy or sell, and the price at which to open and close the position. Click "Calculate" to calculate the profit and loss of the transaction including the swap fee.
Profit (account currency) = (sell price - buy price) * contract size * lot size * (/) exchange rate - commission - swap
(1.35777 - 1.35111) * 100,000 * 1 Lot / 1 - 10 (Commission) - 3(Swap) = $653
(159.10500 - 159.13000 ) * 100,000 * 2Lot * 131.80 (USDJPY Exchange Rate) - 10 * 2 (Commission) - 3 * 2 * 2(Swap) = -$69.94